Note to moderator

Note to moderator:
My name is Godgift Emesi (9044) and for my A2 Coursework I am in group 3 with Monica Aghadiuno (9365), Angela Chen (9025) and Thakshana Yogeswaran (9179).
To see my work, please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation, and ignore the rest as that is my classwork.

Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
This is a link to our website, click the image above to enter our site

Monday, 19 January 2015

R+P Post 5: How we plan to attract/address our target audience

Our Target Audience:                 How we will attract them:

16-24 year olds                          - Familiar setting of school location

- Relatable storyline: the popularity struggle that all teenagers go through in that type of school environment
- There are many races represented in the school, which would also represent a British audience as Britain is a multi-ethnic country.

British audience                          
- Set in a British school with British accents, acts as a USP
because not many of these types of coming of age, teen comedy films are British.
-The script, because I read in a very interesting article up on British audiences saying "the British (and i say this as an american) are more literate and verbal and appreciate the emphasis on spoken language in the theatre in a way that Americans, a visually oriented people do not" 

Comedy fans                                 - The script
                                                      - the unbalanced framework of the school&nutty                                                                       characters are in themselves unusual and therefore                                                               funny.

Also the fact that it's set in a school and involves the stereotypical kinds of teenage social groups, would appeal to even older age groups because many have gone through school and would find the plot of the film relatable as it brings them back to when they were younger. Like Superbad is reviewed to be "a film for any age group who are happy to share in its reminiscences of the past, and in particular of the teenage life", we also aim to attract older audiences with this quality in our film. 


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