Sub genre: Comedy, Indie
How we plan to connote this:

Conventions of teen genre implemented:

Teen issues: to conform/to not conform, peer pressure, hating life, outcast (definitely shown through the loneliness of the character as he walks down the hallway full of students in groups in our opening)

Conventions of Comedy genre implemented:
The kind of humour used will be slapstick comedy, just not so vulgar and violent like in the Inbetweeners.
Technical code: a lot of handheld camera in the 'getting ready' part of our opening that follows our main character and point of view filming to film his perspective of the school and its students
Iconography: Bright colours across all the students outfits. Iconography for specific characters (e.g.the Goth of the school would wear all black, heavy eyeliner and have piercings and tattoos)
Character types: The main character would be a regular person who doesn't fit in with the usual system of the school, so the students in the school to him would seem wacky and weird. Making him also look socially awkward to them.
Setting: British High School and the main characters house