Note to moderator

Note to moderator:
My name is Godgift Emesi (9044) and for my A2 Coursework I am in group 3 with Monica Aghadiuno (9365), Angela Chen (9025) and Thakshana Yogeswaran (9179).
To see my work, please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation, and ignore the rest as that is my classwork.

Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
This is a link to our website, click the image above to enter our site

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular groups?

The main convention we learnt about the teen comedy is that there a range of characters involved and that they're usually based on a social environment type of atmosphere. Therefore we made the representation of different types of people and 'cliques' a main feature of our film

Social groups we're representing: British teenagers (the common cliques you'd find in High
                                                          School, we largely conformed to the media representation of                                                                   them):
                                                                 -Athletics (usually called Jocks in American teen movies but                                                                   since our film is aimed at a British audience we called this                                                                     group 'the Athletics'
The only way we don't fully conform to the media representation of the cliques in High school is in race and gender. For example, usually when you think of a chav, you don't necessarily think of an Asian chav or nerds are usually Asian in most media. Since our school is a north London school, where London is a multicultural society, we decided to mix things up a bit. So we had Asian chavs, white nerds, a female athletic (jock).
High School Musical cliques
Mean girls cliques
Example of how we conformed to media representation of the stereotypical groups in teenagers (The Chav)
Goth from "The Inbetweeners"
Jocks from "22 Jump Street"

Video on some of the ways we represented the above listed subsidiary groups in the social group of British teenagers.(For the video, which shows how we represented the different types of social groups, please feel free to pause between each group and full screen so you can read the annotations)

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