Note to moderator

Note to moderator:
My name is Godgift Emesi (9044) and for my A2 Coursework I am in group 3 with Monica Aghadiuno (9365), Angela Chen (9025) and Thakshana Yogeswaran (9179).
To see my work, please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation, and ignore the rest as that is my classwork.

Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
This is a link to our website, click the image above to enter our site

Friday, 13 November 2015

R+P Post 25: Costume, props and makeup

Outfit ideas for D4MES:

For our music video we plan to have 3 different sets of outfits. This is a common convention used for girl groups when making a music video- to have several changes of outfits. This is probably to give different looks for the group which would appeal to different types of people and thus widen their audience by dressing in majorly contrasting styles. We thought to do the same with our band. 

e.g. MO- "Preach"

        The Saturdays- "Fired up"

Below is the final product of the outfits we decided to use for each set of dress code: Classy/smart, individual and simple/casual.

Individual outfits
Individual makeup and hair
Outfit ideas for our guy actors:

There are two main scenes from our music video the guys will be involved in: 

1) the individual shots with the girl they've been paired with from the band 
2) the dinner scene shot where they will be playing our waiters (the role of being waiters and serving the females will highlight the female dominance theme we want to run throughout the video)

Outfit inspiration for the individual shots
Outfit inspiration for dinner scene

The individual shots outfit derives from London street fashion in order to appeal to our street audience and British audience. We wanted them to wear all black because, their purpose for the shoot is to be used as 'props' for the females, to connote that 'female domination' idea, and therefore they're not meant to stand out/ draw attention away from the girls.

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